Oman 2018

A few hints to Oman


March is a perfect month to travel in Oman. Temperatures are just fine, around 25 to 30 degree Celsius.

Food and drinks

Food is ok. Most hotels and guesthouses offer buffets of Arabian and Indian dishes. If you have the opportunity to participate at a buffet dinner at one of the posh hotels, do not miss it. The food is excellent and the choice is fantastic and prices are not exaggerated.


Many people speak English. Hotel staff are mostly Indians, Pakistani and South-East Asians who rather speak English than Arabian.


Rent an SUV. There are still many gravel roads, especially in the mountains. If you drive in the desert, you defenetly need 4WD. Public transport is underdeveloped.


It can be bought when entering the country at the airport. Be prepared for long queues.


Omanis are marvellous hosts. You experience their hospitality especially when staying in guesthouses.


Stay a night or better two in a desert-camp. Have a walk, ride a camel but not just for photo shooting, at least two hours or three. Car ralleys make fun even to non car fanatics.