Thailand, Laos 2001

A few hints to a short trip in Laos


It started in Bangkok. Went to Nong Kai by night train and entered into Laos over the friendship bridge. Two days Vientiane. One day by bus to Luang Prabang. Two days Luang Prabang. Two days on the Mekong by boat up to Huay Xay. Crossed border and went back to Bangkok by night bus.


Can be purchased at the border on the friendship bridge entering Laos. It costs 30 USD. You get 15 days, if you need more time, do it in Bangkok. There are offices at the Thai side of the border which offer visa, DO NOT purchase it there. They charge 55 USD for the service!


This is the currency in Laos. 5000 Kip are about half a dollar. And 5000 Kip is the biggest bill. Imagine you have to pay something in cash which costs you 100 USD or 1'000'000 Kip.


Laos is opening up for tourists. Facilities like tourist offices and information centers are still rare. People speek little English. A hotel receptionist knows what a fan, an aircon, a towl is but has no idea what bus station means. Tourists have to adapt to local customs and not yet vice versa. If a bar closes at 11 pm. then it closes because locals get up early in the morning and not because tourists spend a lot of money late at night.


Three meals, an excursion, two beers and a room in a nice guest house cost you about 10 USD. This is about what you spend in a day.

Lao People

Lao People are a bit slower, simpler, friendlier, maybe less professional than others...And visitors get infected.....some of them....