Sri Lanka 2016

A few hints to Sri Lanka


Monsum in May and June means rain and thunderstorms in the west and south-coast. Red flags prohibit from swimming. However the east-cost is sunny and perfect for a stay at the beach.


Curry dishes are very tasty.


Many people speak English especially those who work with tourists.


Getting money from cash machines is a hussle. You can only withdraw 20'000 LKR (approx. 140 USD) per transaction. Many machines are out of order. Some don't accept your card even if they are supposed to do so.


Entry fees to temples are high. Be prepared to pay 25 USD in Anuradhapura and 30 USD in Sigiriya.


Rent a car with a driver. Driving on your own is not recommended unless you are used to Indian (and Sri Lankan) traffic conditions. The railway network is fairly widespread. Trains operate not very frequently. You better book a couple of days ahead. Travelling by bus is not recommended unless you have not much luggage along with you. Busses have no compartments for suitcases. Taxis are only operating in big cities. Tuk tuks are all everywhere. Arrange the price with the driver ahead.


Foreigners of most countries need a visa which can easily be ordered and filled in on-line. A confirmation is sent back on the same day in most of the cases.