
General Info

Last visited

March 2024


For köttbullar, salmon, saussages you do not need to travel to Sweden. Just go to the restaurant of the well known furniture store nearby. What you might not get there are their very tasty pastries. Have a semla or a cinnamon bun at a typical café in the afternoon.


Arlanda Airport is quite away from Stockholm. The express train costs 350 SEK, the commuter train 200 SEK and the coach 120 SEK. The coach is as good as the express train and costs three times less. Travelling from Stockholm to the north by night-train is very relaxing. 900 to 1000 SEK costs a bed in a compartment of 6 persons.


Spend some time in a café and have coffee and pastries.


Bring cash money. Even the toilet must be payed by card.


The capital is surrounded by water like Venice or Amsterdam. The old town is located on an island. The best viewpoint to overlook the city is from Mariaberget on the island Södermalm which is located in the south of the old town. Visit the Vasa museum. The best preserved battle ship from the Middle Ages is exhibited in a huge hall.


In this provincial town far to the north, many people skate on the frozen Baltic Sea. Worth a visit is Gammelstad which is one of Swedens famous Churchtowns. Tiny houses line up around the church. The village is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Snowshoe Tour in Vindelfjällen

Ammarnäs from where the hike starts is located about four hours by car away from Lulea in direction to Norway. Log cabins are scattered in the valleys along the famous Kungsleden route. They are furnished with a stove, kitchen utilities and beds. Toilets are outside. There is no running water. The cabins are rarely visited in winter but can be used. The hike with Arctic Mountain takes 5 days. Each tour member pulls a sleigh called pulka behind them.

Kungsleden at Vindelfjaellen in February

Townhall - Stockholm