
General Info

Last visited

December 1990


When we boarded a bus in Malindi nearly all seats were already occupied, so we asked the driver if the bus was full. He stared at us as we were from Mars and said: "It's empty, the bus is empty my friends." After a couple of minutes we got the point. The aisle was full of people and animals. Chicken legs were scratching my head during the couple of hours drive between Malindi and Mombasa.

Dangers and annoyance

Be careful at night, take a cab even when you have to move a few hundred meters. In Nairobi the cab driver was waiting until the hotel door got locked behind us. Always keep in mind that you are a friend as long as you are a potential customer.


Small town at the sea. There's some snorkeling spots nearby. Travellers Inn is quite basic but there's lots of travellers.


See the citadel. Hotel Lotus is a good midrange hotel in the center for 35 USD.


Spend daytime at Thorn Tree café. You can go on a half day safari for 20 USD to see monkeys, antelopes, gnus. We didn't see any member of the big five. Good handycraft to be found in Nairobi market. I likeed the ebony Masai figures.

Kenyatta building - Nairobi

White tower - Kenya

Street life - Kenya

Bus - Kenya